Works In Food

Breakfast in Bed

[Above] Breakfast In Bed: Walnut Parmesan Encrusted, Roasted Heirloom Tomato with Cilantro Pesto Shrimp, Topped with a Roasted Egg


[Above and Below] Two variations on Bibimbap 비빔밥:


Paulo on Food:

“I look at food preparation as the most essential of the arts. All art impacts us, but food literally shapes and forms us. I draw inspiration from all across the globe, from everything I taste and see that has been prepared with loving hands.  I think of the plate as a canvas, and try to bring as much sensual richness to the experience as possible, drawing from all of the other ways in which I express creativity. It is my experience that people living in humble conditions understand food most. When I go to meetings in fancy office buildings, or high government settings, it is rare that I am offered even a cup of coffee, yet in the most challenged circumstances in the US or in other countries, I am always welcomed with an abundance of food. I believe this to be telling at the deepest levels of the human condition. I love to prepare food for others – or myself for that matter – and I always do my best to present it as a true gift. It is what sustains us, and is to me what most powerfully communicates that we are all connected and need to care for each other.”


[Above] Pan Baked Crustless Quiche


[Above and Below] Assorted Sushi: Sockeye Salmon, Shitoki Mushrooms, Avocado, Spring Onions

Sushi 3


[Above and Below] Poached Bronzini


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